30 December 2011

the legend of Ganatra the Great

Ganatra the Great
For it so happens, as well you know, that when people are overcome by the sorrows of their thoughts that they desire only to dream. Thus the Lord God who loved Ganatra made him fall to sleep for this is His pleasure. And his faces were like a rose which opens at dawn as he lay on his side.
" Thus begins the legend that the last king of Chalace lies asleep under the Snomont, awaiting a time when his former kingdom is in great peril.

Ganatra the Great was born in 1949 A.T. The Ancients called him Kanatros Magnos, while the elves called him Carnatramōn. He was crowned King of Chalace in 1973 and then in 2005 the elfin court entitled him Emperor of Peace (as the elves were also known as, 'the People of Peace'). To them, he was their greatest ruler and protector. He drove from Chalace all the dark and evil things, and treated with the Menfolk to leave the elves in peace. He died in 2019, but the elves believe that he lives still, deep under Snomont, ready to rise again and aid the elves in their greatest need.

29 December 2011

Bileth the demon king

Bileth is a great and terrible king of demons, riding on a pale horse, before whome go trumpets, and all kind of melodious musicke. He is of the orders of powers, hoping to returne to the throne of Malebolge, which is not altogether credible, and he ruleth eightie-five legions. His Noble Badge is this, which is to be worn by those that serve him.

the badge of Bileth

the folly of King Salmoneus

from the book of Vigidotus, a tale of the Ancient times:
Wicked King Salmoneus of the Barbarians

We shall endeavour to set forth the facts concerning wicked Salmoneus. He was a son of Aeolus, God of the Winds. He founded a city in Hyperborea on the banks of a river and called it Salmonia after his own name. And by his first wife he begat a daughter, her who was given the name Tyro, a maiden of surpassing beauty. She loved a river, the divine Enipeus, who flows from Mount Othrys, occupied by the Titans.

Salmoneus, being an overbearing man and impious, came to be hated by his barbarous subjects. In his mockery of the gods he would celebrate neither sacrifices nor festivals in their honour, as the other rulers were accustomed to do. He made it his practice to ridicule the divinity and to declare that his achievements excelled those of Zeus; and he took away the sacrifices of the god and ordered them to be offered to himself.

Consequently he used to make a tremendous noise by dragging behind his chariot dried hides stretched over bronze kettles, and thereby he said that he thundered more loudly than Zeus, and by flinging lighted torches at the sky he said that he lightened. Borne by four horses, he rode triumphant through his city, claiming as his own the homage of deity, saying that he was himself Zeus.

Madman, to mimic the storm clouds and inimitable thunder with brass and the tramp of horn-footed horses! But the Father Almighty amid thick clouds launched his bolt, wiped out the city impious Salmoneus had founded with all its inhabitants, and drove him headlong with furious whirlwind into the pit of Tartaros. Being arrogant and wishful to put himself on an equality with Zeus, he was punished for his impiety.

Far below, where the uttermost depth of the pit lies under earth, where there are gates of iron and a brazen doorstone, as far beneath the house of Hades as from earth the sky lies, wicked Salmoneus is broken alive on the wheel, and exposed thereon, while Tartaros stands deeply about him.
being broken on the wheel

24 December 2011

multi-classed characters

In the Hellot campaign, only half-faeries and hobbits are permitted to be multi-classed player characters.

The multi-classed character does not advance as quickly as his fellows.  Experience points are divided equally among all classes held, even if the multiclassed character can no longer advance in any class. The division of experience points between classes continues even after the advancement caps are reached in any one of them.  Thus a hobbit fighter/thief, who is limited as a fighter but not as a thief, will continue to lose half of his earned experience to the capped fighter class, advancing more slowly as a thief than a single-classed thief would.

Multiclassed characters advance in each class independently, and therefore train in each class independently.  They will receive separate grades for each class, and be charged time and money separately for each class upon advancement.  The multi-classed character must perform functions of each class on each adventure in order to keep the grades high (and the commensurate costs and time of training low).  This is in addition to expenses for upkeep, such as armour and weapon maintenance for fighter classes and spell components for mage classes.

With a triple-class combination, advancement is extremely slow and hit points are not very strong.  With fighter/mage/thief, for example, the character is restricted to the armour of the thief for the performance of thief functions, but not to magic-user armour restrictions. 

If a race is limited in advancement in any stated class (by race, not by the maximum level possible for the class), the maximum level for the multi-classed character is two levels lower than the advancement limit. For example, a stoor hobbit (stout halfling) if multi-classed as a fighter/specialist mage could advance to fighter to level 5 (normally level 7 if not multi-classed; higher levels available for higher strength:  F8 for St17, F9 for St18(50), F10 for St18(90), F11 for St19) and mage to level 7 (normally level 9 if not multi-classed; higher levels available to higher intelligence:  M10 for In18).

In regard to weapons and armour, the character may use any weapons and any armor permitted to any class held.  Thief functions, however, may not be performed while in armour inappropriate to the thief class, and magic-using classes may be limited in relation to performing magic while in armour, although some races are not so limited.

Multiclassed characters have proficiency slots for all their classes. All these slots are not lumped together, however; they remain separated by class. A fighter/thief, for example, who chooses to attack as a fighter suffers the fighter nonproficiency penalty if he uses a weapon with which he is proficient only as a thief. Likewise, the fighter/thief may only back-stab with a weapon allowed to the thief class.

A half-faerie converses with a hobbit

and with permission:
Cleric/Specialist Mage
Fighter/Specialist Mage
Fighter/Specialist Mage/Thief
Specialist Mage/Thief
Specialist Mage/Ranger


and with permission:
Fighter/Specialist Mage/Thief

15 December 2011

arms of the Night Witch

The coat of arms attributed to the devilish Night Witch.
Scarlet is the distinctive colour of the Night Witch, and the owl and moon are symbols associated with her from ancient times. The bar wavy in base alludes to the river Styx, as the Night Witch is believed to make her home in Hell, where she is ranked as a princess.

09 December 2011

convictions of the Faithful of the All Father

Following is a list of common convictions held by those who worship the All-Father in Hellot.
Knight of God
  • I must obey the priests of God.
  • You can never challenge the will of God or his priests.
  • You must always obey the law of the city you live in.
  • Humiliating a defeated opponent is immoral.
  • Stealing public or sacred property is a sin.
  • To make yourself a better man, you cannot treat someone else poorly.
  • I will always defend the priests and churches of God.
  • A man must always respect the nobility.
  • I serve my superiors with loyalty.
  • Disobedience leads to anarchy, which leads to sin.
  • Never show mercy to a selfish or cruel opponent.
  • Too much freedom is against God's will.
  • You must never run from your enemy.
  • A real man never tolerates an insult.
  • Always be generous to strangers and guests.
  • By becoming powerful and famous, a man praises God.
  • Sorcerers must never be trusted.
  • Orders must be obeyed.