07 June 2011

the Silat

No appearing: 1 (10% 2-5)
Armour Class: 3
Move: 90' (150')
Hit Dice: 8+1
% in Lair: 15%
No of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 2-8/1-4/1-4
Special Attacks: 1x/rnd lightning bolt (dmg 8-48); 6x/day Otto's irresistible dance; 3x/day mass charm (as 18th level)
Special Defence: 1x/day invisible
Alignment: Chaotic
Size: L (8' tall)

Once per day they can use the following spell-like abilities: detect good, detect magic, misdirection, invisible and wish.

Silats are witch-like shaitan jinniyah who live in forests and delight in fomenting conflict. They have bluish-purple wrinkled skin with large, round, white eyes; long pointed noses; hunched backs; a lion's tail and paws; and a gibbering mouth full of fangs.

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