07 June 2011

the Silat

No appearing: 1 (10% 2-5)
Armour Class: 3
Move: 90' (150')
Hit Dice: 8+1
% in Lair: 15%
No of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 2-8/1-4/1-4
Special Attacks: 1x/rnd lightning bolt (dmg 8-48); 6x/day Otto's irresistible dance; 3x/day mass charm (as 18th level)
Special Defence: 1x/day invisible
Alignment: Chaotic
Size: L (8' tall)

Once per day they can use the following spell-like abilities: detect good, detect magic, misdirection, invisible and wish.

Silats are witch-like shaitan jinniyah who live in forests and delight in fomenting conflict. They have bluish-purple wrinkled skin with large, round, white eyes; long pointed noses; hunched backs; a lion's tail and paws; and a gibbering mouth full of fangs.

05 June 2011

Wieder Werzier, master mason

Wieder Werzier is the most influential mason in southern Erewhon. He was born into an active family of masons, who were originally of Zaryan stock (where the family was known as Verzir).
Wieder Werzier (b. 1536 A.T.)

His technique is strongly rooted in the Erewhonais tradition, but is also influenced by Fellandish Hudian. As an architect of the Radiant style, his works exemplify the tendency to profuse ornamentation and the technical ostentation characteristic of the late Hudian style. He enjoys complicated vaults with hanging bosses and ribs rising free through space. He has originated the first real net vaults in Hellot.
Werzierian net vault